As we approach the 3rd Sunday in Epiphany we look at the first of Jesus' miracles: Turning water into wine. It's odd to me that Jesus would do such a thing; or, should I say, it's odd only because our understanding of who Jesus is, the Kingdom of God, alcohol, & parties are distorted.
Alcohol is a theological hornets nest in almost any room filled with Christians. Some use it to prove they're: Mature, unreligious, or part of the intelligentsia. Others decry it as an ultimate evil: Prohibition! It seems to be a very polarizing subject.
Yet Jesus neither made wine to show he wasn't a Pharisee (which He was) or that He was cool (which He still is); & Jesus, knowing western Christianities view on alcohol didn't reject His mothers request to make it. He made a product people used & still use to sin.
Sadly, I think this is just one area we see Jesus distorted through our theological lenses. I see many people whose faith is constipated with erroneous theology, anger, frustration, disappointment, & sadness. But this isn't because of Jesus. He is pure, undefiled, & a perfect representation of the Father. We are the ones who approach Him with conditions, theologies, expectation, doctrines, & other distorted tails we blindly attempt to pin on the donkey. However, thankfully our theological donkey tales never stick to Him. He is the reality we should aspire to in theology, which leads to Life as He intended, using the things of the world He created in ways that honor Him.
I'm thankful Jesus was a wine maker. It's challenging because it opens up the Kingdom of God to me. It demonstrates a faith of parties, fun, fellowship, & laughter. We've got much to learn from Jesus.
Do you think Jesus was a distiller as well? 'cause I do like a nice Scotch on the rocks! =P
You're right! Alcohol talk is a hornet's nest. Yikes.
Which is the greater sin, using alcohol to get drunk, or being unable to appreciate a great beer?
A good question...
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