Wednesday, August 09, 2006

According to Relevant Magazine
Vineyard City Church is a relevant church. I had my concerns, but my worries are behind me; I can now start inviting my friends to Vineyard knowing they will find relevancy here. They listed pastor Steve Schenk as the young adult pastor (this is important to know in the world of relevancy), so rest assured Buffalo is in for a real relevant revelation revealed rightly by Steven.

Something else struck me as I found out our church is relevant:

I guess pastor Mike is cool after all.
Who knew?

1 comment:

??? said...

Just to add...

...the real relevant revelation, soon to be rightly revealed, has not yet been revealed rightly; it would be better to speak of it as 'emerging,' and we don't really like to use words like 'revelation' as they imply an absolute truth to be revealed, we prefer the term 'conversation!' Which means the relevant conversation is about to emerge among emerging postmodern conversationalists.