Tuesday, November 07, 2006

In the course of writing several papers I need to define what the gospel is. Not a new subject, but always a gear turner, I would like to read your (graceful!) comments about my proposed: The Gospel in a nutshell. As always, sarcasm is greatly appreciated.

The gospel: the redemptive act of God for all mankind, achieved by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This redemption is attained by belief in Jesus as the messiah; and is demonstrated through obedience to him.*

*By him I mean the head-Christ, & the body-the Church.
I understand belief and obedience as inseparable.


??? said...

Compare that with the Gospel that Jesus preached...

Matthew 4:23
Mark 1:14-15
Luke 4:43
Matthew 24:14

I don't think we can ignore the concept of the Kingdom of God, even if we use different language to acheive this, when we communicate the gospel.

This is not to disagree with your definition, but rather, I think, to put it in its proper context. Individual salvation finds its place within the Kingdom. I believe that the gospel is primarily about God's present availability to all mankind.

Sean said...

Thanks. Can you rewrite my definition with this in mind?

David said...

Aloha slacker. Get off the couch...and drop those cheesy poofs!
Today you can obtain your new fluffy redemption breakfast flakes in the holy grocery-mart and kingdom focused emporium of salvation. Act now. 'Cause if it ain't new, it ought to be improved.