Saturday, May 12, 2007

Why theology (knowledge of scripture) is important.

I'm reading a book about the Fourth Crusade. It is an interesting book & it is very discouraging at times. While reading it I can see why so many people around the world hate Christians. Likewise, I am saddend at how far the church in the year 1200 had gotten from New Testament teachings. This is a sermon from Sir Abbot Martin. It is credited with launching this very un-christlike venture. See how many unbiblical comments you can find.

"Heed my word to you, my lords and brothers; heed my word to you! Indeed, not my word, but Christ’s. Christ himself is the author of this sermon; I am his fragile instrument. Today Christ addresses you in his words through my mouth. It is he who grieves before you over his wounds. Christ has been expelled from his holy place—his seat of power. He has been exiled from that city which he consecrated to himself with his own blood. Oh the pain! This land is no dominated by the barbarism of a heathen people. Oh the misery, the sorrow, the utter calamity! The Holy Land…has been given over to the hands of the impious. Its churches have been destroyed, its shrine polluted, it royal throne and dignity transferred to the gentiles. That most sacred and venerable Cross of wood, which was drenched with the blood of Christ, is locked and hidden away by persons to whom the word of the Cross is foolishness, so that no Christian might know what was done with it or where to look for it. And so now, true warriors, hasten to help Christ. Enlist in His Christian army. Rush to join the happy ranks. Today I commit you to the cause of Christ, so that you might labor to restore Him to His patrimony, from which He has been so unmercifully expelled. Whoever takes the sign of the Cross and makes a sincere confession will be totally absolved of every sin and when he leaves this present life, no matter where, when, or by what happenstance, he will receive his life eternal."


??? said...

...sometimes I wish we sould have been there before there were all the preconceived notions about Jesus, before there was a "Christendom" to have moved beyond...

We live in the aftermath of Christianity without Christ; we have the unique task of preaching to a people who have "been there and done that," only the "there" and "that" aren't!

??? said...

...of course, we have the benefit of being spared the wild beasts, crucifixions, boiling oil, etc.

~bean said... guys are smart.

Sean said...

I agree; a Christianity without Christ. Reading this book is depressing, but it is very revealing. The church was exercising a lot of power at the time & used it in Un-NT ways. It is little wonder that Christians are generally seen in a negative light. I can't say I disagree.

David said...

I always like to remember that no one 'group' corners the market on either selfish puruit, or bad ideas; but I do wonder what it would have looked like if Sir Abbot Martin had access to radio, teevee and the internet?

LindaFaye said...

All I can say is, "Nice picture Dave."