Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We just bought our World Mandate plane tickets.


Anonymous said...

What is World Mandate?

??? said...


who's your friend?

Sean said...

What's up masturbation saves lives. World Mandate is a missions conference we go to once a year. You're more than welcome to come along.

JUAN said...

I can't believe you called him out by his blog title...
I can't stop laughing... Best blog comment ever!

"what's up masturbation saves lives.."


Caleb said...

I didn't even know that the date had been set, I guess I had better get with it if I'm going to make it! I hope to make it and see you there.

Sean said...

becoming all things to all people; i guess

Jessica said...

Hey Sean, when you have a few spare moments (haha...) could you let me know when you guys are flying into Tx. and where? I'm going to try to go but I would love to meet up with someone! You, steve... Anyone...