Wednesday, December 10, 2008

As of late I've been thinking a little bit more about movies. Entertainment is a fascinating thing. I am often amazed at people's devotion & discipline to find time in order to sit for 2hrs in a state of self-satiational bliss whereas they often can’t find time to do other things (this is a post in itself). My thoughts on movies have definitely changed over the years; most of all, I generally have much better things to invest myself & my time into. However, I do enjoy an occasional movie, especially those with some redeemable worth like a documentary (Reverend Billy & the Church of Stop Shopping is amusing education at its best.) Our culture is an entertainment engrossed nation; yet are there any spiritual ramifications from watching the things you watch (or listen to for that matter)? For those of us in the Western world our dualistic approach to life renders certain things as spiritual & other things secular. I don't believe this is true & believe everything has some spiritual significance. Too, movies (& music) are especially powerful in that they influence a person's soul (via. intelligence, emotions, etc...).

What is your theology on movies? Would Jesus be watching what you watch? Why or why not?


~bean said...

I'm not into movies. The last time I watched a movie it was with my Dad- He is ALL about movies- So I was being about what he was about- it was about him- He doesnt know Jesus. There are very few movies that I have watched that have impacted me in a good way. Or that I felt were worth the time. Most have been just entertaining, time stealing, mindless movies. So- yea. I just feel that there are better things to do with my time- like respond to your blog! Ha ha ha. Which I hardly ever do either! Cant wait for Antioch Church's Christmas Formal Dinner Party! Woo-hoo.

??? said...

There is a scene in Robots where the main character's father encourages him to pursue his dreams...

It is a scene I would easily use as a sermon illustration of what it means to be a spiritual father/mentor.

Kids movies are full of stuff like that...

Adult movies tend to have more junk and less redemptive material. I guess hope isn't sexy enough...

Sean said...

I think I'm about to do another inventory as to what I allow myself to watch. When I'm done watching so much of this stuff I walk away without any redeemable thoughts.

JUAN said...


but you have to admit... Transformers was amazing!

Sean said...

I agree Transformers was a good movie & there are many others. Yet at the same time the question I want to ask myself concerning what I put into my heart, mind, or soul is: Is this permissable or is it beneficial to my faith?

JUAN said...

I was thinking... maybe if you committed to just watching Lord Of The Rings. I wonder what type of person you would be?

Or maybe just watching Passion Of The Christ........... or Pulp Fiction....Fight Club? You see where I am going with this?

Sean said...

I don't see where you're going.