Sunday, March 15, 2009

Well I just ran the Cool 50K yesterday & had a great time. This is one of the most popular 50k's in the nation & it was a hoot. Many people warned me about two hills on the course: Ball Bearing & Goat Hill. (If a hill has a name, it's a tough hill!) Both proved to be humbling! Ball Bearing has to be one of the steepest climbs I have ever come across. I literally thought I was going to black out on it! This has never happened to me & I was kinda' freaked out about seeing my vision get a little fuzzy. Sadly I started cramping up near mile 21, which seems to be something I do on longer runs. I think I need more salt. Goat Hill comes at a wonderful place, mile 26, & it worked me. My goal was to run the course in 4:30, but I finished in 5:21; sad. What a blessing to have two healthy legs!

Too, I'm not at church today. Our leadership team agreed that after each sermon series we would preach on our vision & values. Jeff Jones is guiding our church today. It brings joy to my heart that Jeff has really risen to the task of being excellent in many areas & being an outstanding communicator is one of them. It is truly a sign of health when the pastor isn't the only one who can bring vision to the church. Our value for discipleship is being demonstrated today & I'm (we're) am blessed.


??? said...

El Jefe rides again!!!!

Vamanos muchachos!!!!

gnalli12 said...

Hey! My mom used to run that every year!

~bean said...

Sean- even if you you didnt make your pace goal; you ran an incredibly difficult race and you ran it well. Way to go! Too- your example has inspired me for some years now and the fact that I run now is from your example! PS...August 30th- Nisense Marks Womens Trail 1/2 marathon. I'm registered. :)
PSS...Jeff did AMAZING!

Caleb said...

It's always so good to hear about your adventures. I talked with Pastor Nate on Sunday and he let me know that you'll be here in May for the Dreams Conference. I'll be attending and look forward to seeing again. Will you and the guys be at the retreat again this year?

Jesse Arlen said...

Are you serious? 50k? You are nuts my friend. I don't think I even own running shoes. (I'm a little jealous, actually)