Friday, November 25, 2005

We stand in awe of the ocean,
The thunderstorm,
The sunset,
The mountains;
But we pass by
A human being
Without notice
Even though
The person
Is God's most
Magnificant Creation.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My little girl.

What' up with Romeo! This guy gave my
daughter one too many pieces of banana,
so I took him outside and broke'm down.
Needless to say, he left.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

BBQ with young folks
Worship in the park
Guys room where we slept
Where "China" pottery is made!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

This is a back alley at night. Lots of fresh good fruit.
Well China was amazing. In short: I got sick as a dog for 3 days; we invited a lot of college students to hang out with us on Sunday; we had a blast at our fellowship in the park Sunday singing, dancing, eating, and playing football; five people chose Christ at the park; we worked with 45 children ages 7 to 19 who were former prostitutes, drug dealers, slaves, and criminals at an old factory where we taught them English, worshiped, prayed, and celebrated Yeshua together. Hopefully we go back in the summer time to work with the kids. I hope to bring some of The College Group folks for a longer trip. I always have to remember that the door could be closed at any time. Playing catch-up right now with school and it's working me. Practice praxis.