Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Had a great time at World Mandate & we we're all inspired to pursue Jesus & those who don't know him even more. However, stepping back into SC is sobering, as I assumed it would be. I read a Chinese proverb that summed up one of the major things I walked away with:

...doesn't cook Rice."

I need to step out of my warm happy place.

Like Damien who lived among Lepers, showing them God's love, before contracting the disease himself.

I need to "Go...

Because "Talk doesn't cook rice," not even "missional" talk.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

We finished our Daniel fast & it was wonderful. Everyone had a great time being decaffienated vegans for Jesus. It was fun fasting & having some of our new folks fast with us. Slowly does the big wheel turn. Last night we broke the fast & today enjoyed one of God's gifts to mankind: Coffee. Laben decided to drink our normal strength coffee, which according to Rachel makes her "feel like I'm gonna' ------- my insides out!" Anyways, Laben thought he was gonna' have a heart-attack & had to drink about a gallon of water to stop shaking. He's OK now & passed the "are you a Mormon?" test.

Just got some great news yesterday. We've been worshipping in a very small room at the Vet's Hall @ 10:30, but we start singing when the Yoga folks are "simmering down." So, I spoke with the director of the hall & mentioned we would love to meet in the biggest room @ 11, so we could have more space & leave the Yoga peeps to their transendental meditation upon their navel energies. I told him, "Yeah it must be tough for you guys 'cuz at 10:30 we start singing our guts out to Jesus!" He thought that was funny. Too, he was really excited for us to move to the biggest room @ 11. So am I. If we can remain at the Vet's Hall we will have one of the cheapest, best locations in SC. Wow.

We leave @ 4 for Texas. 2 new folks are joining us. What will happen? Jimmy knows.