Thursday, August 28, 2008

Well here is our new home: Motor home. We're not sure what ours is gonna' look like, but we're gonna' live in one come Sept 1. We have been unable to find a house, as of Thur, but keep looking. The funniest thing we've heard so far from a rental agency is, "We only except 2 people per room. Your family has 5 people." We know human rights is important & that infants are certainly people, but Abigail doesn't need her own room just yet. Anyways, we have a place to stay, which is a tremendous blessing. I think we're going to stay at a 7th Day Adventist Compound of sorts. We'll see how that goes!

My wife & I feel extremely fortunate to be in Santa Cruz for Jesus. 97% of Santa Cruz doesn't know Him. To what length are we willing to go in order to share His love with SC & initiate a community that represents the person of Christ to the world? To what degree is our commitment to Jesus & his purposes conditional? As I told my mom the other night, "Mom, this is the only Hell I'll ever know." Within the spectrum of what a life could be, my American dilemma is outstanding! Furthermore, I said that because on the spectrum of eternity I won't remember this. However, I will be reminded of our present decisions because there will be a great crowd of people in Heaven from Santa Cruz. I am often reminded of Jesus' words, "Where your treasure is there your heart will be also." If your treasure is God, than your treasure will be what & where? I want to constantly be reminded that my Hell is another persons Heaven & their Heaven is a bad deal. "How will they believe if a messenger doesn't go to tell them?"

Too, as with all interesting periods in life, this phase of our life has really served to help us dig deep into our faith, theology, & relationships with each other & our church. Circumstances are often cheap, but highly effective, seminaries.

I'm reading two incredible books: Jerusalem to Irian Jaya. This a biographical history of missions. If you want to read stories of personal sacrifice read this book. Throughout time men & women have given themselves to God's purposes, which has resulted in great fruit. However, the cost involved has been high. As Tertuillian said, "The blood of martyrs is the life-giving seed of church." This is a very inspiring book.

The other book is: Foolishness to the Greeks by Leslie Newbigen. This is a very heady book that deals with the gospel within the Western world. He deals with numerous aspects of Western thought including: Enlightenment, Neo-paganism, Science, etc... This book has been very illuminating for me within the context of Santa Cruz. (Steve this books deals with a lot of the issues raised by your latest post 8/28)

Send us your address & maybe we'll come live in your driveway for a few days!


??? said...

You can live in my driveway any day brother!

You are in good company: "Foxes have holes..."

I am proud to call you my friend.

Rick Mazaira said...

Hey just fire up the engine and head over to Yosemite for a day or two! Park in my driveway and we'll feed you! We are praying Sean and let me know if you need anything. Call when you can.

JUAN said...

yeah dude!.. that's awesome... I wrote this awhile back... Maybe you'll find some "MORE" encouragement in it.. So many people love you man.. It's awesome to see that..

Jesus was homeless?

If we look at the passage in Luke 9:58, Jesus says, “the foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay His head.” From this scripture, many have concluded that Jesus was so poor that He didn’t even have a place that He could call home. pointing to my quote at the beginning of this post "Jesus was homeless." Basically we get the idea that if Jesus was here today in Redding.. He would probably be down at Winchell's or the Gray Hound Bus Station. I'm not sure about that....

The proper context is seen in the preceding verses (51-57) where it is stated that Jesus had “resolutely set His face to go to Jerusalem; and He sent messengers on ahead of Him. And they went, and entered a village of the Samaritans, to make arrangements for Him. And they did not receive Him, because He was journeying with His face toward Jerusalem......And they went on to another village. And as they were going along the road, someone said to Him, ‘I will follow You wherever You go.’” It was then that Jesus made the remark about having nowhere to lay His head. He had thought to sleep in the village that would not receive Him and had not yet reached the next village so He did not know what awaited Him there. Matthew 8:20 quotes Jesus as saying essentially the same thing when He was preparing to enter a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee with His disciples at night. Again, He did not know where He would sleep that night. (He slept in the boat). In addition, John 1:35-37 tells us that two of John the Baptist’s disciples followed Jesus after John identified Him as the Lamb of God. According to John 1:38 , “And Jesus turned, and beheld them following, and said to them, ‘What do you seek?’ And they said to him, ‘Rabbi, (which translated means Teacher), where are You staying?’ He said to them, ‘Come and you will see’. They came therefore and saw where he was staying; and they stayed with Him that day, for it was about the tenth hour.” So, Jesus did have a dwelling place and it was big enough that others could stay with Him.

Obviously, when Jesus said He had nowhere to lay His head, He was not commenting on His financial state or lack of a home, but on the itinerant nature of His ministry that allowed Him little opportunity to sleep in His own house or bed.

Jessica said...

I sure do love you guys!!
Will you let your wife know that I haven't forgotten to call her... Life has been very full with yaks 3 and school and all. Basically what'd I'd say though is that you are both doing an incredible job.
I'm with Steve. I'm proud to have friends like you.
He's worthy, and they're worth it.
Love you Bro.

Caleb said...

You guys will always have a home here in Redding...kind of like back tracking isn't it? You guys are amazing and are in my prayers. Your hearts are beautiful and I feel so blessed to be able to know you.

I went to the service at Simpson on Sunday and their new "spiritual formation director" worked with Bean at Starbucks there in Santa Cruz. His name is Travis somethingoranother. I realize that is a weird last name but that's how I remember it.

JUAN said...

Travis Osborne is his name....

Sean said...

Travis is a great guy, but I'll smoke him on a espresso machine anytime!

Anonymous said...

Sean, this is Dave Schenk. I was in Santa Cruz last weekend at Mount Hernon and tried to call you but your number must have changed. Hit me up some time I would love to stop by 415-290-5740, and nice running pics man!!