Friday, August 08, 2008

Well I ran my marathon & it included many lessons. The race had pacers, who are people that run at a specific speed in order to get a specific time. I wanted to run a 3:10 marathon, so I started out with the guy who held the 3:10 sign. Well, in short, he was a liar! Everyone around me kept saying, “He’s running fast,” but I didn’t believe them. When you train for a marathon you can run faster at a shorter distance & I felt good. Anyways, between mile 4-5 somebody says, “We just ran a 6:40 mile.” That’s not good when you have 22.2 miles left to go. In order to run a 3:10 you need to run 7:15 a mile, which on a good day is doable for me. However, a big mistake is to waste too much energy early, when you feel good, & have little left when you feel like dying in the later miles. So, my guy was a liar, but I’m also my own enemy; I should have started out with a slower group—“In like a Lion, out like a Lamb,” is a favorite saying of mine that I still don’t listen to. So, at mile 13:1 I ran 1:35, which was perfect, but the pain is about to begin. About mile 17 I’m in serious pain, but this is nothing new & I’m still running fairly strong. Mile 21? Well my hamstring cramps so bad it literally stands me up & I have to stop to stretch it. Sadly, this continues on throughout the rest of the race. I’m pretty sure it was dehydration, which is another reoccurring theme in my ESPN highlight reel. I finished in 3:37, 8:18 per mile.
I shed some tears at the end of the race, which was odd for me. I cried because we still don’t have a place to live, we keep applying to 3 bedroom houses as a group of 4 adults-3 kids-1 dog & they look at us like we’re the one smoking dope, the church is growing SLOWLY (but surely), the job scene is stupid to say the least, we’re about to have another kid (Abigail Kait McMasters), we were all packing & everyone was moving that day, & I had been running runs by myself that were too long. So I cried because at least one of the weights that was keeping my resentful knees pinned to the ground before the feet of Jesus was gone. I find it easier to run than to kneel; sad, but true.


??? said...

So, you know the question on my mind is...

...did the old guy pass you again?


...did you knock him down?


Keep running Sean, God is blessed by you!

Sean said...

The old guy didn't pass me, but many others did. However, I had two bad hamstrings, so I feel a little better about myself!

In these types of events you want to run with other people because it's easier to focus on staying with others than thinking about suffering (good discipleship stuff). So, I'm running with this short, but fast gal. Anyways, all the women on the course keep shouting at her "You go girl," or "keep it up woman you're the 5th place woman!" It was a bit odd to have all these women shout at my running partner. She was a good runner, short, but fast!

We had a great prayer meeting last night & God did speak to me. He said, "I haven't brought you this far to make you fail." I'm not scared of failure, actually it's a fairly normal part of life. It's the all at once part that's got my feathers ruffled. That said, I don't know one person who wouldn't feel the heat if they were in my shoes. It's all a part of our story, we're in the first chapter, & it's a good story.

Jessica said...

That's so encouraging, Sean
Keep it up brother! He's good it's worth it.
Any word on the job scene?

LindaFaye said...

There's a popular word in Santa Cruz for housing & jobs: NO.

Nothing so far.

It's crazy.

We know it will work out, but oh the roller coaster ride!