You can tell what people are all about when you find out where they spend their time & money. Jeff & I were laughing last night because in the future we will look back at what we have purchased as a church & chuckle. Of course there's more too it, but here's a peak into what Antioch Church of SC spends their money on.
I'm chuckling at all of you to myself. I find the chainsaw and BBq pretty interesting. What're you going to do? Invite them to dinner and then threaten them with a turn or burn/get chainsawed in the legs sermon? I love reading all of your posts, by the way. I miss you all a ton... chainsaws and all...
let me know how the spanich goes...
I am trying to find a way to improve mine
I'm chuckling at all of you to myself. I find the chainsaw and BBq pretty interesting. What're you going to do? Invite them to dinner and then threaten them with a turn or burn/get chainsawed in the legs sermon? I love reading all of your posts, by the way. I miss you all a ton... chainsaws and all...
I thought the variety of things is funny too. We miss you all as well.
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