Sunday, February 28, 2010

Listening to Dallas Willard's "Hearing God," has been amazingly refreshing. He said something today that really struck me (I listen to him while I run, so he really did say.)

"But in the lives of NT personalities—especially Jesus himself—there is a great preponderance of strictly—nonphysical—communications between God & his people. Vision, dreams & angels continue to play some part—as I think they may do today. It would not be too much to say, however, that where these phenomena were the main, as opposed to the occasional, means of interaction, it indicates a less developed spiritual live both in the individual & the church group. I am not trying to be judgmental here; I am merely trying to be helpful in pointing out the kind of life with God into which we should expect to grow—a life in which one hears from God amid & frequent times of conversational prayer."

I am always troubled by those who NEED another HUGE experience & can't seem to hear him in the daily, which there is nothing normal about it, life. There is no spiritual non-spiritual flesh/spirit dictonomy. Certainly not in the eyes of Jesus. I love what Dallas says in this book.


LindaFaye said...

Hearing God seems to be a stumbling block for some. I have found that He has never left me hanging when it comes to major decisions. I have also found that He speaks through others in my life in simple ways every day. For the day to day stuff it seems like being acquainted with His words in the Bible and with others who live it out really makes all the difference in deciphering what God is saying to me.

Unknown said...

Dear Vineyard,

Please notice that the Prophecy of The Day of The Lord of neither darkness nor Light is coming soon.

Notice 2580 years in day for year in accordance with Ezekiel and of The Prophecy written in Daniel given at 1290 days plus 1290 for a full seven year period divided in half to make 2580 days+- since the circa Temple era of Daniel and Ezra and Darius of the Persian Empire.

483 years to Messiah +-3 1/2 years for the Calendar adjustment brings circa 487bc as given in circa 560 bc.

2580 - 560 = 2020+- years.

For 1335 days, there will arise the false prophet gog pseudoApostle beast from the earth who will have an agreement long with 10 worldwide leaders to implement the mark of the number of the name of the false prophet as restricted commerce worship to himself in subduing 3 leaders to make 8. For the beast (from the earth) is an eighth king who belongs to the 7 and is going to his destruction for these will hate the prostitute and will replace her with the mark of the beast and he will greatly reward those who acknowledge him. He will be drawn into going to war with Judea for 42 months or 3 1/2 years or 1260 days following the gog and magog war with the nations and empires of the world. He will subdue the major nations and lay hold of all of the wealth of them is written. Two sins of Edom, Three. The prominent ten leaders of Ammon, Edom (red, those who are sided with him who are loved less), Moab (the sign of the false prophet Balaam who enticed Israel to sin sexually for money to falsehood as strategy for opposing The Lord's Will for The chosen People), and Egypt (an old major empire with worldwide reaching influences in propping up leaders not necessarily appointed by The One in serving its own purposes).

2020 - 7 = 2014, there will be celestial signs as given the calendar of Moses in accordance with the Prophecy:

5772 (2012)/666 the talents given to Solomon per year = 8.666...

His number is 666 and he is an 8th ruler who starts smaller as a religious-type movement with power for Nephilim-like signs and wonders causing those who do not take the mark to go to war and 2/3 of the elect will be killed. This violence will be as by agreement, like the days of Noah, in allowing a short time for them to rule over the whole earth.

2012 - 2012 = a 7 year period for the tribulation events of 1335 days and the feast of the trumpets and the feast of the ingathering of the sixth and seventh seal and a last war(s) which will be about 1245+- days; plus a two year war over the nations of the world for +-2 years.

Thank you for reading, and God Bless You!


Sean said...

Thanks guys. I think the point of my post has been made.

Tamy S. said...

I think that for me not a matter of hearing him but trusting that it is him that I am hearing. When doubt circles in my life one of the quickest places it attacks is if I ever really hear from God, in this doubt God is still speaking and I am still hearing but sometimes I am not trusting what I hear, my faith waivers and I long for some big display of His presence to counteract my lack of faith and current state of doubt. This is the point for me when community is often the place where God speaks to me again, those who love Jesus around me often are used by him to speak to me, this I believe is one of the most important aspects of community is to essentially be the place where God can touch others in ways that they can not be touched alone... sorry for the babbling...

Sean said...

Tamy, if that's you babbling, than your non-babbling must be incredible. I agree with you & your thoughts are in many ways what Dallas is saying: Feeling a huge deal, or not feeling anything; He is present. Too, community is his physical body. His Physical Body. I just wish sheep didn't have such sharp teeth!

Unknown said...

cheers Sean, there is a recent rise in chasing the wonders in Santa Cruz too. So glad you're challenging people to balance.

praying fro you and your ministry right now
-Chuckk Gerwig : Elevation

Rick Mazaira said...

I know... I always ask people of that "glitter chasing" opinion, what if God didn't do anything for you again? Is he enough and is scripture enough? Good post have a great Sunday Bro!