Thursday, September 16, 2010

Francis Chan

Francis Chan leaves his church. So many interesting reactions, questions, responses, & issues brought up.

In another video he says, "I hope this is something bigger for the whole church; getting back to doing what this book (the Bible) says we're to do & be who we're called to be."

I find it interesting because here's a man: Successful; Published; Branded; Speaker, & in many ways embodies what many are aiming for. Yet, he realized what it all amounted to wasn't what he was reading in scripture. It seems odd we would create a church where this would be an issue. I know this is a tension, but for some it really isn't.

Once again I'm intrigued by the idea that our idea & outworking of church caters to the very people who Jesus turned away or weren't willing to follow Him; & then we call it success.

1 comment:

LindaFaye said...

This is awesome! Kinda like saying you don't need the popular vote of the masses to be great. And that there's a lot more to greatness than recognition... Thanks for sharing this! I don't know the author and may never had read it on my own. :)
Love you.