Monday, March 31, 2008

As I was working at the Buck the other night something occurred to me: I can’t remember the last time someone shared the love of God, the Gospel, did something intentional to reveal God’s love to me, told me about Jesus in any way, invited me to anything, or (heaven forbid) gave me a tract. I really can’t remember the last time someone personally “witnessed” to me in any way. It’s odd because I’m generally thinking about how to reach out TO people, but it struck me that no one is reaching out TO me. Is my experience similar to everyone else’s?

Why is this important? Because if my experience is an indicator of what others, who don’t know Christ are experiencing, then my assumption is that the majority of people (in Santa Cruz at least) are not hearing, seeing, or experiencing the life Jesus offered, which (in theory?) is now being lived & demonstrated through the life of the church. (Church: Not a place where, but a people who…)

“You’re a believer, of course no one is telling you about Jesus!” Being new to SC means no one knows me; they might as well think I’m a Klu-Klux-Clan Grandwizard! Since living here in SC I have yet to have one person engage me personally with the Gospel.

However, I have witnessed certain, “Come & See” events downtown. I remember Vintage Faith’s Easter display, Wonderful! Too, & hands-down the coolest (my bias), was when 12 Tribes of Israel (a Jesus commune from San Diego that has “communities” around the world—Slightly odd, some weird theologies) danced & sang songs about Yeshua. They were weird, but they were stoked about Yeshua (They don’t call him Jesus). Their joy was evident.

In my day-to-day life, I must admit, although in many ways surrounded by churches & Christians, no one has actually attempted to personally reach out to me, invite me, confront me, compliment me, encourage me, or engage me in an attempt to help me know or understand Jesus. I haven’t even gotten a fake $20 bill tract in the tip jar.

Is my experience typical to what others, who don’t know Jesus, are experiencing? Am I resigned to believe that Church Events (Wonderful as they are: Thank you for doing them) are enough to give people the opportunity to really know Jesus?

If as churches our function is to, “Equip the Saints for the work of the ministry,” Etc, etc… Why am I surrounded by churches, but left behind by “His” followers? I’m right next to a Christian campus, meet people who go to church, & talk with people who have crosses around their necks & fishes on their SUV’s; yet no one has personally engaged me.

I stopped praying prayers like these: “God please reach out to my neighbors.” “God touch the people of Santa Cruz.” “God love on the people at Starbucks.” Why? Because every time I prayed prayers like this I get one response: “That’s why you’re there.”

Guatemalan Rainforest Coban roasted to a “Light French” roast is very nice. Too, the place I buy my beans from is a Home Brew & Coffee Roasting Co-op. I’m going there today. I'm stoked to "Go..." They have what I want & I have what they need: Jesus.

Say ye what?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I think Redding is super churchy... And I HATE fake $20 tracts... So lame!!!
I think that out here at Simpson it's just assumed that everyone is a christian so it's not talked about a ton, but I am surprised at how little it is actually talked about in depth. I don't really know what to think about it yet...
Santa Cruz is an entirely different thing, I think. Here it's like "Oh yeah, another jesus weirdo" But I wonder if there it's so unusual that it's intriguing??
Just a thought.
Love ya much Pastor man... Kiss your wife and kids for me, and say hi to the bun in the oven!!