Sunday, July 20, 2008

I just got back from L.A. from the Regional Vineyard Conference. It was great to connect with many people, here great God stories, & continue to get a fresh vision for California & the Bay Area. This was our first conference with kids, which was really different. We were often late & we left early on more than one occasion. We would be listening to a speaker, watching power-point & see "Would the parents of Jonathan McMasters please come to child-care." Pretty funny. I truly fall more in love with my kids each day. As assumed Siena did great in "school" & was more than pleased to over achieve at each session.

I spoke at the church planting workshop & one person pegged us as "neo-monasticism." I made sure to let everyone know that we were just following Jesus & he led us to live together for a period of time. It was fun hearing everyone's stories & I'm blessed to be a part of the Vineyard. I walked away blessed to be a part of this movement, whose theology is a wonderful reflection of the New Testament (ie. charismatic theology)

We decided to move & Sept. 1 was the date we were aiming for to leave. So, my wife accidentally tells the landlords that "this is our 30 day notice," on July 7. Anyways, our house is on Craigslist the next day & basically rented two days later. We found out yesterday that Aug. 7 is our move out date & only Marina has a place to stay. Please pray for us. It's all quite crazy around here right now.


the princess said...

HI, I found your blog from "Jesus" listed as one of your interests.

Jessica said...

He'll show up.
It was a blessing to hang with you guys for a few days. I can't wait to see the new casas!!
I'll be prayin' for you guys

JUAN said...

neo-monasticism? Really...From what I understand, the core characteristic of monasticism has always been the quality of “monos,” or being alone, i.e. single, before God. I think there is this a long-standing confusion between the monastic and contemplative vocations. Perhaps in their zeal to create new communities of prayer, the so-called neo-monastics were simply being a bit over-enthusiastic by identifying themselves as such. I believe you said it best...."I made sure to let everyone know that we were just following Jesus & he led us to live together for a period of time."

So being a community disciplined and yerning for Christ is really the point.

I'm personally not into the "new" emerging church view.. contrasted by view points from Rob Bell and Brian McLaren and the alike... whom I believe love God... but are really serving mostly men....

Great post dude..

Caleb said...

You are all in my prayers. The Golds are moving in with me by September 1st. I was talking to Jeff and Sharon W. about this and they recommended more than once to call you or one of your clan for advice if things get a bit rough. Be blessed friend.