Friday, August 12, 2011

A Day in the Life...

From the Orval Monastery.

Daily Rhythm:
"Show me your diary and I shall tell you who you are. The way in which a man uses his time reveals his life-style and his priorities. To what does a man give his time? For whom has he time ? In a monk's diary pride of place is given to seeking the Lord. The day is organized around those moments of gratuity, around those non-profit making hours which are the hours of prayer. It is there that one touches the price of monastic life: it foresees moments in which the monk does nothing other than take the time to live for God, the time to come together as a community of brothers and to sing together of God's love for man, the time to remain silent in the presence of the One Who gives life."

This is the challenge for all of us to follow Christ: Living out His values in day to day life; seeing Him in the day to day routines, habits, chores, & joys of life. I wish we were all able to see Him, as He is, in our daily rhythms.

How can we, as a church in Santa Cruz or other areas, live out the life of Christ, daily? Let's attempt to not make it more difficult than it really is. 

1 comment:

LindaFaye said...

I agree. "Let's not make it more difficult."