Monday, September 26, 2005


If you started watching TV at the tender age of 5 and you watched the average 4hrs of TV that americans watch then you've wasted a lot of time.

4hrs x 365days is 1460hrs. The average life span of people (kinda) is 70, so we could say that we have an average TV watching life of 65yrs. If each year we watch 1460hrs of TV per year then in 65yrs we watch 94,900hrs of TV. If we divide that into 18hr days, since you have to sleep at least 6hrs a day, you waste 5,272.22 days, or 14.44yrs (of 18hr days) in front of the boob tube. Wow is right.

If you believe that we will all stand before God and give an account for what we did with the life (& Time) that He gave us, then you wouldn't watch as much TV as most folks.

So, the next time someone tells you they don't think they can squeeze God stuff into an already busy schedule you can share our little secret.
(I don't have cable, but I do watch movies, when I have time ;-)


David said...

I think Calvin said it best, ‘Oh, great altar of passive entertainment...bestow upon me thy discordant images at such speed as to render linear thought impossible. Oh greatest of the mass media, thank you for elevating emotion, reducing thought, and stifling imagination. Thank you for the artificiality of quick solutions and for the insidious manipulation of human desires for commercial purposes. This bowl of lukewarm tapioca represents my brain. I offer it in humble sacrifice. Bestow thy flickering light forever.’

tonymyles said...

Dude... I was going to write something but Tom & Jerry is on... I'll come back later.