Thursday, September 01, 2005

This is my second blog of the day. I guess I'm turning into a blogger. Jesus is pretty dang cool. I love Him. Grad school is great right now, I'm writing a paper about the character of a Christ-like leader: God Dependent, Church Dependent, Teachable, and a Servant's heart. There could be much more written on the subject (and better?), but it's a start.
I joined the city indoor soccer league with the other guys who will be planting a church with me. We really wanted to hang with some people who don't know how cool Jesus is, so we decided to join a soccer team. We got picked up by a team (all three of us), which was a miracle in and of itself, and we are stoked. Some of our games are at 10pm, so our goalie informed us that instead of getting drunk after the game he has to get drunk at the bar (at the sport's complex) before the game. Laben, who is one of the three guys planting with me, and I totally busted up because that sounded like us before we met Jesus. We are certainly in the right place. My devotional life has been weak lately, but the team is fasting the next three days, which always ends with a renewed passion for Him. Keep loving Jesus.

1 comment:

tonymyles said...

I think Jesus is pretty dang cool, too.